3.1 Clearinghouse Details

EMR User Manual

3.1 Clearinghouse Details

This section tells the system how you will be sending the claims to the insurance company.

Paper Claims: Payers accepting only paper claims check 'Paper' (Payer ID code is not required)
Electronic Claims: Check 'Electronic Claims' for e-claims

  • Secondary Electronic: When selected, if the insurance company is a secondary for a patient, will create an electronic claim. If this is not selected and the insurance is a secondary insurance for a patient, then will create a paper claim.

  • Assignment - If Provider is Accepting Assignment of Benefits and will receive payment directly instead of payment going to patient.

Fee Schedule: Allows you to select the corresponding Fee Schedule from the drop-down menu, otherwise will be set with the 'Default' schedule. See Billing Manual Section 1.1 for more details.

If Insurance Co. is set up as a 'Paper' filing co., then claims can only be filed by paper. If Insurance co. is set up as 'Electronic Claims' filing, there is the option to file both electronically and also print claims.





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