10.3 Patient Self Check-In

EMR User Manual

10.3 Patient Self Check-In

The Patient Self Check-In feature within ChiroFusion allows patients to utilize a 'Kiosk' style feature to check in for their appointments when the patient arrives at the office.

Admin Settings

Users may navigate to the admin page for the Patient Self Check-In by clicking on: https://portal.chirofusionlive.com/admin or by visiting the Intake Administration Page (if you have subscribed to this feature) and clicking "Check In Settings"


Once a patient successfully checks in, the following message will display:



Note: If you are currently utilizing the Patient Online Intakes, you have the ability to customize the 'after check-in message' that displays after a patient has successfully checked-in.


Check-In Mode

In order to set your device to 'Check-In Mode" -  you may either navigate to: https://checkin.chirofusionlive.com or visit the Intake Administration Page (if you have subscribed to this feature) and click on 'Enter Check In Mode"

  • Enter your ChiroFusion EMR Practice credentials to proceed to Check-In Mode 

    • Only Provider credentials are accepted

Every page in the Check-In system is on an inactivity time that will redirect the system back to the 'Check-In Search' page after two minutes of inactivity. 

Device Settings

If you would like to designate a device in the office for your patients to not only Check-In to their appointment but also complete their Intake paperwork, you may click on the Tools Icon in the upper right corner to open your Device Settings. 

Three Methods for Patient Check-In

  • Name Search: Input Last Name and Date of Birth

  • Your Online Account: If the patient has setup their Patient Online Intake account requiring Email and Password

  • Access Code: Specific code unique to each patient that may be provided by staff/providers

    • The access code can be located under the patient's clinical dashboard within the BASIC box - Get check in code or by clicking on the vCard for the patient's appointment will display it as well.

Disable Auto-fill Settings: Please turn off any auto-fill setting on your kiosk device to ensure online account credentials are not available to the next user!

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