3.0 Adding Insurance Companies

EMR User Manual

3.0 Adding Insurance Companies

Settings > Insurance > Add/Edit Insurance Co.
All fields marked with an asterisk must be completed.

  1. Enter Insurance Company Name

  2. Enter Insurance Company Type and Group

    1. This information is usually on patient's medical card, can be confirmed by using Office Ally's resource page, or by contacting payer directly

  3. Enter Insurance Company Address

    1. Can be found on patient's medical card, or confirmed with payer

  4. Select the Clearinghouse Details tab and complete the applicable sections

  5. Select the HCFA 1500 tab and complete the applicable sections

  6. Click Save on the bottom left

All three tabs must be completed prior to saving a new Insurance Company into the system. Please see the next three sections for explanations of each tab.

It saves time to add the Insurance Companies into the system first so that you may attach them to your patient profiles when adding patients. 

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