3.2 HCFA 1500

EMR User Manual

3.2 HCFA 1500

Most of these boxes are uncommon & will not require configuration.

The system will automatically pull Provider NPI & Tax ID from Admin Account & these fields are only for additional info or if something other than what is appearing in Admin account.

  1. Box 33a Can check either Group or Individual NPI to appear as Billing Provider. These codes are pulled from Admin account & as long as client has everything populated correctly in Admin it will appear on claim form.

  2. Check Box 33 'Use Facility Name': If they want the Practice name to appear as billing provider & not the doctor's name.

  3. Box 11 – Most Insurance Co's will require checkbox 'Use Group Policy Number'

    1. Medicare Specific Requirement: for Box 11 - leave checkbox unchecked & instead enter in Box 11 field the word 'None' This will appear when there is no other insurance primary to Medicare & they require this set-up.




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