Billing User Manual
1.4 Extra Charges
Extra Charges can be used to create a charge for any product or service that is a direct point-of-sale with patients.
Create charges for self-pay cash treatments, treatment plans for pre-paid services, and also products sold through the practice.
You can also attach Extra Charges to a category/group that offers the ability to track charge/units sold through billing reports as well.
Creating Extra Charges Categories: We offer pre-defined categories that you can attach to the Extra Charges you create & you can also create your own categories.
To Add/Edit A Category:
- Charge Details click the Category dropdown
- Select 'Add/Edit' Category
- Enter a Category Name & Description, or select an existing Category to edit, then Save
Your added category will now appear as a selection to attach onto Extra Charges. The system will assign 'Miscellaneous' as a default category, unless otherwise specified.
Creating An Extra Charge:
- Within the Charge Details box: Enter a Charge Name
- Select a Category from the dropdown
- Enter a Cost $ value & Save
To Edit An Existing Extra Charge:
- Select the existing Extra Charge from the dropdown menu
- Edit the name, category, or amount & Save
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