1.4 Extra Charges (Other Utilities)

1.4 Extra Charges (Other Utilities)

Extra Charges can be used to create a charge for any product or service that is a direct point-of-sale with patients. Once created the charge can be applied to a patient account. This will be demonstrated in the Patient Accounting and Self Pay Patient portion of the manual.
Create charges for self-pay cash treatments, treatment plans for pre-paid services, and also products sold through the practice.
You can also attach Extra Charges to a category/group that offers the ability to track charge/units sold through billing reports.
Creating Extra Charges Categories: We offer pre-defined categories that you can attach to the Extra Charges you create & you can also create your own categories.
To Add/Edit/Delete A Category:

  1. Click on Add/Edit Category

    1. Add New: Input new category name and description and click Save

    2. Edit: Select an existing Category, edit and then click Save

    3. Delete: Click Delete Category

Creating An Extra Charge:

  1. Select Category from the drop down list

  2. Enter Charge Name and Amount ($)

  3. Optional: Enter in a Sales Tax % or a visit count

  4. Click Save

To Edit An Existing Extra Charge:

  1. Select the existing Extra Charge from the table

    1. Can also utilize the Search by Charge Name text field

  2. The details will appear in the table above where you can edit

  3. Click Save

To Delete or Archive an Existing Extra Charge

  1. Locate the Extra Charge you wish to delete

  2. Click ፧ icon

  3. Delete if the Charges was done in error

  4. Archive: if the product is no longer available

You cannot delete any Extra Charges that are already associated with any patient accounts.

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