7.0 Billing Reports

7.0 Billing Reports

Billing Reports Offered In ChiroFusion


All reports are able to be generated & viewed immediately if the date range of the report is 60 days or less. If you would like to generate a larger time frame, the report will appear on the Report Tracking page within 24 hours.

Patient Aging

This report will show all pending Patient Balances plus any UAC’s the patient has.

Insurance Aging

This report will show all pending Insurance Balances broken down by Insurance Company.

Approved Charges

The Approved Charges report provides a report for all DOS/Encounters that are generated using ICD/CPT Codes. The report specifically provides data for when the charges were approved and also displays the user that actually approved the charges as well.

Payment Summary

The Payment Summary report provides a report for all payments posted. This includes Insurance Co. EOB/ERA Checks, Patient payments on both Self-Pay & Insured DOS visits. This report will also include Sales Tax amounts. This can be filtered by the post date or the date of service.

Extra Charges

The Extra Charges report feature provides 2 report types. It gives a report breakdown based on categories and units sold for practices to track their productivity for the type of Extra Charges being utilized by category. It also provides a Payment Summary report specifically for Extra Charges which displays by post date.

Most Commonly Used ICD Codes

The Most Commonly Used ICD Codes report gives providers an overview of diagnosis codes used on DOS/Encounters and how frequently these codes are utilized. This helps provide insight for providers in understanding the codes they can often rely on for billing & managing patient care.

Most Commonly Used CPT Codes

The Most Commonly Used CPT Codes report gives providers an overview of treatment codes used on DOS/Encounters and how frequently these codes are utilized. This helps provide insight for providers in understanding the codes they can often rely on for billing & managing patient care.

Procedure Payment Summary

The Procedure Payment Summary report gives providers an overview for how many units & times a CPT Code has been used in a defined period, a breakdown for the amount billed, and any Insurance/Patient adjustments. This provides insight for how many times a code has been used & the average payments vs. write-offs.

Provider Productivity

The Provider Productivity report gives providers an overview of CPT Code utilization based on units & average billable amounts.

Account Activity Summary

The Account Activity Summary report provides a comprehensive overview for Self-Pay & Insured DOS/Encounter activity. This displays the data based on the dates of service in the date range at the top. This report gives details for when claims are filed, Insurance info, DOS, status, and all payments/adjustments by Insurance & on patient balances. You can also filter the results to include an overview of all Self-Pay account activity. 


Adjustment Report allows you to see what balances have been wrote off by type and displays by post date. The Adjustment Report feature provides 2 report types. It gives a report breakdown based on Adjustment type, units and amount that practice wrote off to track their productivity. It also provides a Summary report specifically to show which patients were included for that adjustment.

Payer Payments Summary

The Payer Payment Summary report provides a report for all insurance payments posted. This includes Insurance Co. EOB/ERA Checks and will also show the user. This can be filtered by the post date or check date.

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