2.2 Managing Charges (Visit List and Billers Report)

2.2 Managing Charges (Visit List and Billers Report)

Users can find two reports within the Visit List module that will help with the managing of patient visits & charges.

Generating Visit List Report
The Visit Lists takes the appointments from the schedule and lets you know if there is a completed note or charges associated with that date.

  1. Select Visit List from drop down menu.

  2.  Select Date Range (Any range more than 30 days will generate in the Reports Tracking page).

  3. Optional: Report can be filtered by patient and/or Provider. 

  4. Optional: Select the check box to show unbilled visits only.

  5. Click RUN REPORT.

*The PRINT option will open this report in a PDF format.

Managing Visit List

  • Clicking the patient’s name will bring up their Demographic information.

  • If a note was signed for that date, you will be able to click on the DOS to view the note.

    1. Billing Column will show one of 2 icons: + or $

      + indicates the visit does not have a charge and when clicked on will bring up the enter charges page.

      $ indicates the date of service does have a charge and clicking on it will allow you to view/edit the charges.


Generating Billers Report
The Billers report will show appointments that have charges attached within a given time frame.

  1. Select Biller’s Report from the drop down menu.

  2. Select Date Range (Will default to past 30 days. Anything greater than 30 days will generate in the Reports Tracking Page)

  3. Optional: Select Patient, Provider, Insurance Company

  4. Click RUN REPORT

*The PRINT option will open this report in a PDF format. The EXPORT TO EXCEL option will download the report as an .XLS file where users can further manage in an application such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

Managing Billers Report

  • Under the Visit Date, if there is a note associated with the charge you will be able to click on it to view the PDF note.

  • Clicking on the patient’s name will allow you view/edit the patient’s demographics.

  • Clicking on the down arrow will allow you to see the details.

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